Kodiak YFM700EPS

$17,499 + GST
Engine Type: Liquid-Cooled, DOHC, 4-Valve Single Cylinder, 4-Stroke
Displacement: 686cc
Starter System: Electric
Transmission: Ultramatic® V-Belt, All Wheel Engine Braking, H, L, N, R, P
Ground Clearance: 275mm
Designed for farmers, foresters and industrial users who need a tough utility vehicle for extreme conditions, the user-friendly Kodiak 700 delivers superior performance with outstanding value.
Powered by a fuel efficient 686cc engine - and featuring a compact chassis with a plush seat for day-long riding comfort - this tough workhorse can carry a 140kg payload plus rider and tow up to 600kg.
Kodiak - because work doesn't need to be a chore.
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